
5 Essential Tips for the Budding Herbalist

5 Essential Tips for the Budding Herbalist

When I decided to start using herbs in my home, I was totally overwhelmed and had no idea where to start. Which is funny because I come from a long line of natural healers and my dad has been running an organic herb farm since I was 5-years-old ... (I have to come to...

12 Natural Ways to Boost Your Immune System

12 Natural Ways to Boost Your Immune System

You know the saying, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure?" It's true. The best way to stay healthy and protected against illness is to boost your immune system. So today, I wanted to share with you some of the ways I boost my immune system naturally (and,...

How To Filter Beeswax

How To Filter Beeswax

Today's post comes from our newest contributor - Emalee of Tree Huggin' Homemaker. I love DIY projects, don't you? I usually opt for homemade things because I enjoy the process of creating and also as a way to save money. I've found that sourcing affordable and good...

How to Become Your Family Herbalist

How to Become Your Family Herbalist

My history with herbal remedies began when I was pretty young. You see, I grew up on an herb farm, where my dad managed the growing and processing of herbs for a world-wide herbal wholesale company. (He still does, in fact, and we lived there on our bus.) The summers...

How To Make Your Own Elderberry Syrup

How To Make Your Own Elderberry Syrup

Elderberry Syrup is a great natural remedy for colds and flu. Elderberries are high in vitamins A, B, and C and help support a healthy immune system. Research shows that elderberry syrup can reduce the the length and severity of the cold and flu (this study). Also,...

43 Natural Remedies for Cold & Flu Season

43 Natural Remedies for Cold & Flu Season

One natural health obstacle that people run into is that they either don't know what to do with their natural ingredients or they don't know where to find recipes for what they need. And now that we've entered cold and flu season, I'm sure there's no shortage of mamas...

8 Ways to Simplify Natural Health

8 Ways to Simplify Natural Health

A few years ago, natural health was anything but simple in my home. With 3 cupboards full of herbs, essential oils and tinctures,  a large tote full of herbs in the garage and a drawer full of "accessories," I decided it was time to simplify natural health. And so I...

Feeling overwhelmed with all of the herbs and essential oils out there?

Each one has countless uses and, as amazing as that is, it can be overwhelming, especially if you’re just getting started.

What if you just learn about one instead and how it can be used to create happy, vibrant skin?