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Wouldn’t it be nice to go to a beautiful spa and relax in the tranquil, soothing environment every time you feel stressed out? Ah, that would be nice, but I just can’t afford to go to a spa every day and I’m betting you can’t either.

With four little ones at home, it can be difficult for me to get away and have time to myself – one thing that I’ve found is absolutely vital to keeping my sanity – so sometimes I have to improvise.

For me, taking a half hour to soak in a nice warm bath helps to melt away some of the stresses of the day after I’ve tucked all the kids in for the night.

Here’s what you need:

  • 2-4 drops essential oils or 1/4 cup Soothing Bath Herbs
  • 2 cups epsom salts
  • A bath tub
  • Towel – I have a really bad habit of forgetting to take my towel with me. It’s not fun to get out of the nice, warm bath and have to run down the cold hallway to get a towel.

The rest is pretty self explanatory.

I like to add a few drops of orange essential oil or a mixture of lavender and frankincense essential oils to the bath. When I remember in advance, I also brew some herbal bath tea and pour it in the tub.

This recipe is great for dry, sensitive skin, pregnant ladies, postpartum mamas and babies.

Here’s the recipe:

Soothing Herbal Bath Tea

You’ll need equal parts (make a little and do 1 tablespoon of each or do a lot with 1 cup of each) of each herb. For the recipe’s sake, I’ll just use 1/4 cup.


Mix them all together and put 2-3 tbsp in a muslin bag or tie it up in a coffee filter. Allow to steep in 4-6 cups hot water for 15 min. Add cool water until it’s the temperature you’re comfortable with. Add to your bath and enjoy. Need herbs? You can buy them here.

Do you have any relaxation rituals that don’t cost any money and can be done while the kids are asleep?