
How to Prepare Herbs

How to Prepare Herbs

You’ve got your herbs. Now it’s time to make herbal remedies. How do you prepare herbs in a way to get the maximum benefit from their properties? Here are some of my favorite ways to prepare herbs. Tea Teas are simply herbs prepared in hot water. They differ from...

Detoxify Your Home: DIY Non-Toxic Cleaning Recipes

Detoxify Your Home: DIY Non-Toxic Cleaning Recipes

I have a secret ...  Before I started making my own green cleaners, I really didn't care about all of the chemicals in the ones I'd been buying from the store. There, I said it. Sure, they gave me headaches and I almost paid the ultimate stupid tax by mixing bleach...

How to Make Nettle Tincture

How to Make Nettle Tincture

One of my favorite herbs is nettle, a plant that I first learned about from my midwife when I was pregnant with Ella (we don't have stinging nettle where I live, though it turns out my in-laws have it everywhere - I guess I never paid attention!). Nettle is a...

Homemade Laundry Detergent

A few years ago, I decided to try my hand at homemade laundry detergent. I was interested in saving money, but I was also tired of paying more for laundry soap designed for "sensitive skin." The recipe I started out with was a liquid laundry detergent using borax,...

Herbal Spotlight: Yarrow

Herbal Spotlight: Yarrow

Yarrow is a pretty plant, growing wild in many areas. You can also plant it in your garden - it's easy to start from seeds (and even I managed to grow it without killing it!). Its uses are vast and it can be taken internally or applied externally. Styptic Applied...

Feeling overwhelmed with all of the herbs and essential oils out there?

Each one has countless uses and, as amazing as that is, it can be overwhelming, especially if you’re just getting started.

What if you just learn about one instead and how it can be used to create happy, vibrant skin?